Laam Custom Motorcycle Seats contacted Redding Web to improve their website. The website was already getting a lot of traffic, but they wanted a cleaner and more organized page structure. After the initial meeting, Redding Web had a clear and concise vision of what they wanted. Redding Web created a sitemap and quickly started development. Here are a few of the improvements that Redding Web made to Laam Seats: Added a slideshow to the home page to promote the most importants aspects of the website, created a more organized seat gallery by assigning cagegories to each seat, added a dropdown navigation for faster browsing, developed a material section that lets potential customers see the many options of material type and thread color, created a user friendly order form that emails Laam Seats after a customer submits. Laam Seats are very happy with the final product. They get multiple order forms submitted per day and many more visits due to the Search Engine Optimization done at the time the website went live.